Recent News
Gatski Commercial Receives Special Thank You for Safe Nest Donations
Gatski Commercial received a special thank you from Stephanie Jordan, Secretary to the Board of the Awakenings Charity Group, for their holiday donations to the families at Safe Nest.
Homeless Helpers Thanks Gatski Commercial for Holiday Food Drive Donations
Homeless Helpers Founder/Operator-CARE Complex 200 Foremaster Lane Las Vegas, NV 89101 501 c 3 non-profit organization Federal Tax ID: 20-4010647 www.homelesshelpers.org Dear Gatski Commercial, Happy New Year!
Gatski Gives Back to Safe Nest Families for the Holidays
Gatski Commercial adopted a few of the less fortunate mothers and children at Safe Nest this holiday season. On our Gatski Giving Tree, were the names and ages of mothers and children and their special holiday wishes. Each employee was given the opportunity to choose a name tag and purchase the gift for the family in need.